What is depression?
Most people go through periods of feeling down, but when you’re depressed you feel persistently sad for weeks or months, rather than just a few days.
Some people think depression is trivial and not a genuine health condition. They’re wrong – it is a real illness with real symptoms. Depression isn’t a sign of weakness or something you can “snap out of” by “pulling yourself together”.
The good news is that with the right treatment and support, most people with depression can make a full recovery.
You can learn more about the causes and symptoms of depression by clicking here.
of people in England will experience depression in their lifetime
Getting help
Let’s Talk can help
Let’s Talk is our Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service. We offer guidance, courses and talking therapies that give you the skills and techniques to manage difficult days, lift your mood and improve your overall wellbeing.
We are a free service and are here to listen, help and suggest the best way forward for you.
How to access Let’s Talk
You can refer yourself to Let’s Talk by calling 0800 073 2200, filling in our self-referral form or you can ask you GP to refer you.
For more information about the support available, please visit the Let’s Talk website.
Treatment for depression
The treatment that will be recommended will be based on the type of depression you have.
You can learn more about the types of depression and treatments available by visiting NHS Choices.
1 in 6 people in the past week experienced a common mental health problem
Our teams and services
Information for professionals
Gloucestershire Talking Therapies is our Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service for patients registered with a GP in Gloucestershire.
Patients are able to self-refer; however Primary Health Care Professionals can refer patients to our service on their behalf.
Find out more about referring a patient on their dedicated website
News stories linked to depression and related conditions.
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