About Us
Who we are and what we do
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust employs over 6,500 people and provides physical and mental health services for people of all ages across Gloucestershire. The majority of services are provided in people’s own homes or community clinics, however the Trust also provides six community hospitals as well as inpatient mental health, learning disability and recovery units.
In this page
Our values and behaviours
Our guiding principles to how we are with people who use our services, families, carers, partners and each other. We will:
Working together
- Listen closely and consider everyone’s point of view
- Work in partnership and recognise each other’s expertise
- Communicate openly, honestly and effectively
- Cooperate and support one another
- Actively seek solutions and ways to improve
- Speak up to promote safety and quality
- Keep learning and developing to make things better
- Be a role model with a positive, can do approach
and kind
- Value each other’s individuality
- Show appreciation when things go well
- Be friendly, approachable and welcoming
- Uphold and protect dignity and wellbeing
Making a difference
- Take responsibility for our actions
- Take time to understand
- Be open to feedback
- Make the best use of available resources
Our constitution
You can download our constitution here.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are NHS Foundation Trusts?
NHS Foundation Trusts are accountable to their local population, rather than to central Government. We are regulated by NHS Improvement and help ensure local accountability, ownership and control of NHS services in your area. We also seek to provide people with an opportunity to learn about services and get more involved.
We work with our members, services users and their carers and local organisations to gather feedback and advice. This feedback helps us develop a range of comprehensive services that meet the needs of our local communities and make continued improvements in all that we do.
This makes sure that the people we serve have access to the right services in the right place and at the right time.
How we make decisions?
The Trust holds regular board meetings where decisions affecting the Trust are made. The dates for future meetings, board papers and minutes of previous meeting are all available on this website.
How we fit into the NHS structure?
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust is part of the NHS. We treat NHS patients according to NHS principles and standards. The difference is the Trust is accountable to local people, rather than to Government, and so we are able to work closely with our community to develop services in the way that best suits the needs of local people.
We have a Council of Governors, with representatives elected by local people and staff. As an NHS Foundation Trust we have more freedoms than other NHS Trusts, including more autonomy in managing budgets. As a key part of the NHS, we will be inspected and certified by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to the same standards as other NHS trusts. We will continue to provide services according to the NHS principle of care free at the point of use – based on need and not the ability to pay – and the assets used to deliver NHS services are protected under law.
How does this benefit the community?
With greater freedoms as an NHS Foundation Trust, we can develop services that are more responsive to local needs. A funding system allows us to borrow, up to an agreed limit, and keep any surpluses. We can then use this money to improve facilities and services, without having to go through lengthy bidding procedures in competition with other NHS organisations. We can still apply for funds made available to meet national priorities. We plan and work closely with other partners in the local NHS and social services. However, the greater freedoms to set up new types of partnerships and to work differently have led to new and innovative service developments.
How does this benefit staff?
As an NHS Foundation Trust we are able to explore different ways of working in partnership with staff to deliver local services with increased freedom to reward excellence. Our staff are also members of our NHS Foundation Trust and elect staff representatives onto the Council of Governors.

Self–Certification Requirements
NHS Trusts are required to self-certify that they can meet the obligations set out in the NHS provider licence, (which includes requirements to comply with the National Health Service Act 2006, the Health and Social Care Act 2008, the Health Act 2009 and the Health and Social Care Act 2012, and to have regard to the NHS Constitution) (GC6) and that they have complied with governance requirements (FT4).
Following a review of evidence by the Board of Gloucestershire Health and Care, NHS Foundation Trust, at its meeting on the 25 May 2023, the Trust Board formally agreed to self-certify the Trust as compliant for GC6 and FT4.