Colleagues will be out and about across Gloucestershire in May helping people to understand how to...

Colleagues will be out and about across Gloucestershire in May helping people to understand how to...
Patients and colleagues at Cirencester Hospital were thrilled and very grateful to receive these fabulous twiddle mitts from talented knitter Margaret in Bradley Stoke, Bristol.
Congratulations to Ward Sister Lucinda (Lou) Williams on scooping the ‘Seeing Me Award’ at this year’s South West Integrated Personalised Care Awards. Lou, who specialises in dementia care, was celebrating with her colleagues on Abbey View Ward at Tewkesbury Community Hospital this morning, after picking up the award at last night’s glittering ceremony at Darlington Hall in Totnes, Devon.
Charlton Lane Hospital in Cheltenham recently enjoyed a flying visit from Gerald, Henry and Wally...
CaSA (Care and Support Always) is a new monthly support group for carers of patients of Charlton Lane Hospital (whether current or recently discharged).