The NHS is rolling out an expanded mental health support service for Armed Forces veterans, as a...

The NHS is rolling out an expanded mental health support service for Armed Forces veterans, as a...
Members of the British Medical Association - Junior Doctors - will take industrial action from...
Congratulations to Occupational Therapist Neil Withnell, who was crowned Housing Occupational...
Charlton Lane Hospital in Cheltenham recently enjoyed a flying visit from Gerald, Henry and Wally...
We are working with NHS England to implement the first ever anti-racism framework for mental health Trusts and service providers. The Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF) will ensure that we are responsible for co-producing and implementing concrete actions to reduce racial inequality within our services, with a view to becoming an actively anti-racist organisation.
Our Gloucestershire Health & Wellbeing College (formerly the Recovery College and Glos Self...
Join our Falls Education Services at events across the county, starting on Monday 18 September,...
The Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine helps to prevent HPV-related cancers from developing in boys and girls. While most types of HPV are harmless, some high-risk types can lead to the development of cancers, including cervical cancer, cancers of the head and neck (mouth and throat) and cancers of the anus and genital areas.
Today marks the start of Sexual Health Week. Being safe means feeling empowered to access contraception, testing and treatment. It means understanding consent, healthy relationships and pleasure. It also means providing relationships and sex education (RSE) that gives young people the tools to navigate the world safely – both online and offline – and delivering safe, accessible sexual health services, wherever people need them. That’s why for #SHW23 we’re #PlayingItSafe!
Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust is committed to empowering all older adults in Gloucestershire to reduce their risk of falls, which are one of the greatest causes of serious injuries and death among people over age 65. On September 18-22, GHC is partnering with the National Council on Aging (NCOA) to mark Falls Prevention Awareness Week.
The autumn programme of recovery course Veterans Moving Forwards starts next month. The course has been co-produced with veterans and is offered by Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing College.
World Breastfeeding Week officially kicks off tomorrow, each year celebrated around the world from 1-7 August. Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust’s Health Visiting team offers a range of support, including advice on positioning, attachment, hand expressing and assisting you and your family to continue to breastfeed for as long as planned. If problems occur, your health visitor can refer you to our Specialist Breast Feeding team.
Hope House is pleased to announce its face-to-face community clinics are up and running again. Due to Covid-19 our clinics at Coleford Health Centre, Stroud, Cirencester and Tewkesbury community hospitals, Hartpury University, Hartpury College and the Royal Agricultural College, have been restricted to telephone and video consultations only.
A new sensory room has been opened at Evergreen House in Cheltenham, thanks to the generosity of a local children’s charity.
The World Health Organisation's Self-care Month ends Monday 24 July with International Self-Care...
Community Nurses are feeling the benefit after the Trust invested in new medical bags to organise...
This week (19-24) June is Cervical Screening Awareness Week – a campaign launched in 2021 to encourage those eligible for screening to respond to their cervical screening invitation letters and book an appointment at their GP practice or sexual health clinic if they missed their last one.
The Montpellier Allotment Project Team celebrated success at the national Design in Mental Health Community Awards when they received a ‘Highly Commended’ in the Outside Space of the Year category.
As part of our work to reduce missed appointments and ensure that only those who need our service...
CaSA (Care and Support Always) is a new monthly support group for carers of patients of Charlton Lane Hospital (whether current or recently discharged).
Members of the Montpellier Allotment Project Working Party embarked on an...
A new Associate Non-Executive Director has been appointed to the Trust’s Board. Vicci...
In celebration of National Apprenticeship Week (6-12 February), the Apprenticeship and Widening...
Stroud’s Podiatry and Adult Physiotherapy services have moved into the new £6.5m medical centre...
Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal visited our newly developed therapeutic allotment in...
Our Carers’ Charter was developed with, and for, carers as a joint statement of how we will work...
Penguins Pringle and Widget have been delighting staff and patients at two of our community...
'Arts Psychotherapies' is an umbrella term for the four professions working psychologically and...
The long-awaited rollout of the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training in Learning Disability and...
World OT Day was first launched on 27 October 2010 by the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT). Since then it has become an important date in the occupational therapy calendar to promote and celebrate the profession internationally.
For years the Montpellier allotment and green space at Horton Road, Gloucester, has provided an...
Lord-Lieutenant of Gloucestershire, Mr Edward Gillespie OBE DL, presents veteran and GHC's Lead...
As part of our ongoing commitment to addressing issues of diversity and inclusion within the...
The NHS Trust providing community physical, mental health and learning disability services for...
Following an extensive £2m building project Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust...
A pledge has been signed by Gloucestershire leaders, promising that anti-social behaviour will be taken seriously, made easier to report and tackled in partnership.
During 2021, Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust formed one of four national...
Our healthcare support colleagues are a critical part of our workforce. Put simply, we could not...
This week (20-26 June) we're celebrating Armed Forces Week and Armed Forces Day (Saturday 25...
Paul Roberts has taken the decision to retire as our Chief Executive at the end of March 2023. He...
A clinician from Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust has won The Lifetime...
Experts by Experience are people who have personal knowledge of our services, either through their...
Our Community Diabetes Service is celebrating the news that its patient education programme has...
For years the Montpellier allotment and green space at Horton Road, Gloucester, has provided an...
An international recruitment drive has led to 40 new nurses joining our Trust. The nurses, who are...
Vale Hospital in Dursley has been highly commended by the Community Hospitals Association (CHA)...
A new five-year strategy has been officially launched by the NHS Trust which provides community...
Find out more about Estates Team, including current job opportunities available within the team.
HRH The Princess Royal has spoken to colleagues from our Trust about their work throughout the...
Jovelyn Masters, Personal Assistant to Associate Director of Patient Safety and Learning, talks about her experience of working at GHC.