Did you know? In Gloucestershire, there are approximately 52,000[i] unpaid carers who look after a...
Carers Archive
Introducing the Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF)
We are working with NHS England to implement the first ever anti-racism framework for mental health Trusts and service providers. The Patient and Carer Race Equality Framework (PCREF) will ensure that we are responsible for co-producing and implementing concrete actions to reduce racial inequality within our services, with a view to becoming an actively anti-racist organisation.
CaSA – Charlton Lane’s new carers support group
CaSA (Care and Support Always) is a new monthly support group for carers of patients of Charlton Lane Hospital (whether current or recently discharged).
Our Carers’ Charter
Our Carers’ Charter was developed with, and for, carers as a joint statement of how we will work...