Supported Accommodation Team
The Supported Accommodation team work in partnership with a small group of private landlords to provide approximately 100 supported accommodation placements.
The placements are provided by private landlords who have a long-standing working partnership and contract with our Trust.
The placements total approximately 100 at any time and sit within shared accommodation ranging in size from 20 bed units to 4 bed units.
The placements are managed on a licence agreement as the property is shared and the rights of other tenants are considered. The licence is a contractual agreement which states the responsibility of the tenant in terms of rental payment, care of property and behaviour. It also states the responsibilities of the landlord in terms of upkeep of the property.
The hours of support provided range between 8.5 and 10 hours per a week and are in place for practical ‘Housing Related Support’ to help a person to maintain a tenancy.
Contact us
Pullman Place,
Great Western Road,
Telephone: (01452) 894422
Why you may be referred
The reasons you have been referred might include
- You need support to maintain a tenancy
- You have not got anywhere to live currently
- You have a history of struggling in tenancies
What happens after referral?
- You will be seen within two weeks for an introduction to our service
- We will listen to what your current difficulties are and what adjustments are needed to make our meetings successful
- We will complete a formal assessment of your housing history, risks, support needs and finances
- We may need to seek more information from your care team about your support needs and risks
- We may make recommendations about your current housing to make it more supportive
- If you need a supported placement we will submit your referral with our assessment to the landlord
- The landlord may have more questions about your support needs and risks
- The landlord may be able to offer you a placement
- The landlord may turn you down for placement based on availability, support needs, risks, needs of other tenants
What happens after placement?
- You will be allocated an Accommodation Officer
- You will receive support to apply for benefits to fund your placement
- We will work with you, your care team and the support staff at the accommodation to write a support plan.
- We will work with you to review this support
- Where you are able to, we will work with you to develop independent living skills to manage a tenancy.
- We will support you to move on to independent living