
Later Life Team

Who do the Later Life Team support?

The Later life team provide care for people in later life with

  • Organic (dementia) or
  • Functional (Depression, Psychosis etc) mental illness

In some cases, if the team can best meet their needs, people aged under 65, may be supported by the Later Life team.

Your GP or Community Dementia Service may refer you to the Later Life team if a more intensive and specialised level of care is needed.

Often a short period of time under the care of the Later Life team will help resolve symptoms or issues and the person can return to receiving the support they had previously.

What do the Later Life team do?

Specialists within the team will assess your needs and will work with you to develop a plan of care.

After an initial assessment there will be scheduled appointments, either at home or in clinic to review progress on a regular basis.

Once a level of stability has been reached you will be discharged back to your GP and / or to other services providing care and support.

Occasionally the level of care required will go beyond what can be delivered in the community and admission to hospital may need to be considered.

Each patient will be assigned a Care Coordinator, who is the main point of contact, and will keep the patient and their carers, informed and involved throughout the process.

What Treatments may be offered?

Based upon the assessment and identified needs several forms of treatment may be recommended. This may include medication changes, psychological therapy, liaison with Social care services and a review of current care provision/arrangements.

Treatment options will be discussed with the patient and their carers and preferences incorporated into all care planning.

Who is in the later Life team?

The Later Life team consists of clinical specialists in mental health and older people.

Each team is led by a Team manager and includes a Consultant Psychiatrist and medical staff, Occupational Therapist, Psychologist, Nurses, support workers and admin staff.

The team also work closely with Social workers and other services in ensuring the most appropriate care and treatment is delivered.

Where are the Later Life team based?

The Gloucestershire Later Life Team is split into four regions:


Avon House
Telephone: 01684 861150


Weavers Croft
Telephone: 0300 421 3812

Forest of Dean

Colliers Court
Telephone: 0300 421 4284


Pullman Place
Telephone: 0300 421 3269

Other Useful Contacts

Locations for this service
