Children and Young People’s Services (CYPS)
We provide a comprehensive range of specialist learning disabilities, physical and mental health services for all children and young people aged under 18 who are registered with a GP in Gloucestershire.
Learning Disabilities Services
Mental Health Services
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
- CAMHS Interagency Teams
- Children’s Social Communication and Autism Assessment Service
- Young Minds Matter
- Vulnerable Children’s Services
- CAMHS Outreach Service
- CAMHS Paediatrics
- CAMHS Parent Support Team
- Infant Mental Health Service
- Support a child’s neurodiversity
Physical Health Services
- Children’s Occupational Therapy
- School Nursing
- School-aged Immunisation Team
- Health Visiting Services
- Persistent Physical Symptom Service
- WellChild Nurse and Triage
- Children in Care Health Service
- Childrens Physiotherapy
- Children’s Complex Care team
- Children’s Community Nursing
- Children’s Speech and Language Therapy
- Speech Toolkit