World Mental Health Day – 10 October

The mental health and wellbeing of older people is being promoted through events taking place to mark World Mental Health Day (Oct 10).

World Mental Health Day is led annually by the World Health Organisation, and is aimed at raising awareness of mental health issues.

The theme for this year is ‘mental health and older adults’ and Gloucestershire Health and Care is supporting the day by promoting information to help older adults maintain and enhance their emotional wellbeing, as well as offering advice and sources of support.

Professor Jane Melton, our trust’s Clinical Director for Social Inclusion, said: “There is a common misconception that growing older and mental health problems go hand in hand, but this need not be the case.

“While for some people loneliness, isolation and the loss of independence can cause depression and a decline in mental wellbeing, there are ways in which we can safeguard our mental health as we grow older.

“Similarly, while memory loss and illnesses such as dementia affect some of us in later life, there are steps we can take to deal with these conditions and continue to live fulfilled and active lives.

“For World Mental Health Day we are offering our professional advice and support to older people, and we’d also encourage friends, relatives and carers to help us by sharing our information with their loved ones and talking to them about how they feel, so that support can be offered where it’s needed.”


World Mental Health Day – 10 October

This Sunday is World Mental Health Day – a day recognised by the World Health Organisation on 10 October every year. This year’s theme is Mental health care for all: let’s make it a reality.

On 10 October, it will have been more than 18 months since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and we’re taking the opportunity to raise awareness of the support that is available in the county.

Mental health problems can affect anyone, any day of the year, but 10 October provides us with an opportunity to talk about our work and the support that is available to colleagues at GHC and to everyone who lives in Gloucestershire.

John Trevains, Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust Director of Nursing, Therapies & Quality, said: “Talking about mental health problems is a great way to begin dealing with the issues and helps to break down the stigma, but some people find it difficult to talk to others for a variety of reasons. Our physical health and mental health are connected and those with long term health conditions or long COVID may be facing specific challenges, but help and support is available. Locally visit our website, or take a look at to see a range of support available locally. Alternatively take a look at the Every Mind Matters self-help resources at”


For this year’s World Mental Health Day the Better Health – Every Mind Matters campaign is focusing on ‘What works for me’, demonstrating how different actions can help us with our mental wellbeing, with a variety of simple tips offered by the NHS endorsed Mind Plan quiz that shows ‘there are little things we can all do to look after our mental health’.

The Every Mind Matters COVID-19 hub has expert advice and tips to help you manage. Get started with a free, NHS-approved Mind Plan or take a look at the COVID-19 content hub, which includes tips and support on coping with money worries, job uncertainty and how to ease back into socialising at your own pace. The platform also includes practical tips on dealing with stress and anxiety, boosting your mood, sleeping better and what you can do to help others.

Mental health support for colleagues at GHC

If you are having a hard time at the moment, take a look at our mental health and wellbeing pages – here you’ll find resources and information on a range of dedicated counselling, advice and support available for you when you need it.

Heads Up Cheltenham

Our Partnership and Inclusion team will be joining the Cheltenham Borough Council’s Heads Up campaign team on the CCG Information Bus to raise awareness of our services on World Mental Health Day on 10 October on Cheltenham High Street. If you are nearby, why not pop over and say hello to Farooq and the team.

Be Well Gloucestershire

Be Well Gloucestershire is a campaign aimed at raising awareness about mental health support available in the county; promoting health and wellbeing support and information to help when stress, anxiety, isolation and other challenges become hard to deal with.

It is a local campaign supported by Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with the county’s NHS and care organisations. Under the One Gloucestershire banner, we have been working alongside Gloucestershire County Council and Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group to develop a website which brings information about the mental health support that is available into one place – highlighting and signposting people to local services, tips and advice, local charities and support groups as well as help lines and self-referral options. It is essentially a directory of commissioned services in the county as well as support and advice offered by charities and NHS campaigns and platforms.

It can be hard to know where to turn when we’re struggling with our mental health but support is available, from NHS and council-commissioned services to local and national charities. Many services are free, confidential, and you can access them yourself without a referral from a professional. For more information, visit:


This year mental health charity MIND is campaigning about mental health inequalities – more here>

After Shaun screening

We’re proud to be a key member of the Gloucestershire Suicide Prevention Partnership and our Partnership and Inclusion Team will be working alongside other organisations on Friday 8 October at an event to mark World Mental Health Day.

The Guildhall is screening suicide awareness film ‘After Shaun’.  Through a series of interviews with those grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide, supported by professional testimonials from mental health and bereavement counselling experts, the film strives to show the devastating reality of suicide in the UK today. More on Indigo>

Join in the event on social media using #WorldMentalHealthDay, #EveryMindMatters and tagging us @GlosHealthNHS
Nutrition and Hydration Week 2025

Nutrition and Hydration Week 2025

Nutrition and Hydration Week (17-23 March) is an annual campaign which focuses on the links between our health and what we eat and drink. Our Trust’s theme for this year’s campaign is ‘Bone Health’.

National HIV Testing Week 2025

National HIV Testing Week 2025

Today marks the start of National HIV Testing Week (10-16 February). Every year this annual campaign, run by HIV Prevention England, aims to raise awareness about the importance of regular testing, to help reduce the number of people living with undiagnosed HIV and those diagnosed late.
