World Diabetes Day

November 14, 2024

Our Community Diabetes Team

Today (Thursday 14 November) is World Diabetes Day. This year’s theme ‘Breaking Barriers, Bridging Gaps’, underpins a worldwide commitment to reducing the risk of diabetes and ensuring all people who are diagnosed with the condition have access to equitable, comprehensive, affordable and quality treatment and care.

Around 200,000 people are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes every year, and you don’t need to be one of them. Finding out your risk of type 2 diabetes only takes a few minutes – it could be the most important thing you do today. Find out your risk here:

Our Gloucestershire NHS Community Diabetes Service supports people with type 2 diabetes in managing their condition to the best of their ability. You may be referred to this service for a variety of reasons:

  • There is a concern that your long-term blood glucose control is too high
  • You might need a new form of diabetes medications
  • You might be experiencing repeated episodes of low blood glucose (hypos)
  • You may need help altering your diet to control your glucose

The Community Diabetes Service offers support by providing community clinics throughout Gloucestershire, home visits to the housebound or nursing home patients, and will see patients at their own GP surgeries when appropriate.

Community Diabetes Information Sessions

These are small, friendly groups aimed at empowering individuals to self-manage their condition and live a long and happy life.

These are either face-to-face sessions held in community venues, or online via Microsoft Teams. People wishing to attend can register here: Diabetes Education Sessions Referral Form > Glos Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust ‘

Face-to-face community clinics are held in Gloucester, Cheltenham, Stroud, Dursley, Forest of Dean, Cirencester and North Cotswolds.

To find out more about our Community Diabetes Service, visit:

People with type 1 diabetes are looked after by the team at Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Further information can be found here:

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