Sign up as an NHS Cadet

NHS Cadets is a programme created by St John Ambulance in partnership with the NHS. It’s designed to provide young people with the opportunity to explore roles in healthcare and prepare for volunteering.

A local cadets scheme is being supported by both our Trust and Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Cadets will learn about a range of exciting healthcare topics, develop leadership and communication skills, and gain insight into volunteering within the NHS.

It is a free programme consisting of two-hour weekly sessions over 36 weeks. Cadets will be supported throughout their journey by the NHS Cadets Team.

Cadets come from a diverse range of backgrounds – there is no ‘typical’ NHS Cadet.

If young people identify with one or more of these statements, the programme would be a good match:

• I’m from a minority ethnic group

• I consider myself part of the LGBTQI+ community, or I’m questioning

• I’m not in education, employment or training, or I’m at risk of this

• I’m struggling with my progress at school or college

• I live in care, or I’ve recently left care

• I provide regular care or support for someone

• I receive free school meals

• I have mental health concerns

• I consider myself to have a disability or impairment

• I consider myself neurodivergent, or I have special educational needs

• I am seeking asylum, or I’m a refugee

If young people are unsure whether they fit into one of these categories or wish to discuss something else, they can email

Cadets can sign up using the following links:

For ages 14 to 16: NHS Cadets Foundation Programme (14-16) – Gloucestershire (Tuesdays) | SJA NHS Cadets

For ages 16 to 18: NHS Cadets Advanced Programme (16-18) – Gloucestershire (Wednesday) | SJA NHS Cadets

HPV and school-based vaccination community clinics

HPV and school-based vaccination community clinics

Our School Aged Immunisation team is currently delivering the human papillomavirus (HPV) immunisation programme in Gloucestershire schools to all children in Year 8, and students in Years 9, 10 and 11 who have not previously taken up the offer.
