Sarah’s Story – PTSD

As part of Mental Health Awareness Week, we are sharing stories of how people have benefited from Gloucestershire Health and Care services.

Sarah, from Cinderford, was referred to Let’s Talk by her GP, following a diagnosis of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), linked with stress, anxiety and depression.

She said: “I had serious medical complications and an emergency hospital admission following major lung surgery, and my recovery and recuperation was extremely limited both physically and mentally.

“My GP referred me to Let’s Talk and I initially had telephone conversations, and then one-to-one face-to-face sessions with my brilliant therapist in Cinderford.

“My therapy sessions were invaluable to me. I had somewhere quiet and calming to go to; it was very easy to be myself and my therapist allowed me to talk, scream or cry at him whenever necessary.  In informal meetings he listened intently and he cared; he was never judgemental and did his utmost to support me in every way possible.

“It was most certainly helpful to talk through my issues, worries and concerns.  The therapy greatly lightened my burden and lifted a weight off my shoulders each time. When I reflect upon my sessions, noting where I started from to the place I am now, I can see that I have hugely improved my mental wellbeing.  I am not quite out of the woods yet as I still have to continue to master strategies and techniques that I have learnt but, without doubt, my amazing and patient therapist has turned my life around and I’m returning to my “old self”, for which I will be indebted to him forever.

“Without hesitation, I would absolutely recommend the Let’s Talk Service (particularly my Cinderford clinic) to other people.”

If you are experiencing issues with your mental health or wellbeing, you should speak to your GP or, if you live in Herefordshire or Gloucestershire, contact Let’s Talk on 0800 073 2200.

Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to Manage Stress

Using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to Manage Stress

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