International Self-Care Day – 24 July 2023

July 21, 2023

The World Health Organisation’s Self-care Month ends Monday 24 July with International Self-Care Day.

Self-care has become incredibly important, as increasingly people recognise the need to take care of themselves and put themselves first. Whether it is about self-treatable conditions, long-term conditions, or lifestyle choices to ensure better physical and mental wellbeing, #ISD raises awareness of the huge benefits of people looking after themselves better.

One way people living in Gloucestershire can practice self-care is to pop along to one of our Community Health Check clinics.

Running throughout the summer, the clinics provide an opportunity for people to come along for a chat with members of our team about how they might make positive improvements to their health or wellbeing, discuss any concerns they may have about their health and get a blood pressure check.

The aim of the health checks is to support people in reducing their risk of poor health by making lifestyle changes – such as stopping smoking, improving diet, increasing physical activity, losing weight and reducing alcohol consumption – and signposting them to local services who can offer support.

For dates and locations of our Community Health Check Clinics, click here>

Armed Forces Week and Day 2024

Armed Forces Week and Day 2024

This week we have been celebrating Armed Forces Week, and will be marking Armed Forces Day tomorrow (Saturday 29 June) – a national event to honour the Armed Forces community.
