Forest of Dean Community Hospital Citizens' Jury

July 30, 2018



Following the decision of Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust and NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group to approve the recommendation to invest in a new community hospital in the Forest of Dean to replace Dilke Memorial and Lydney and District Community, the independent Citizens’ Jury will convene today (Monday 30 July) to commence the process of considering a location for the new hospital.

The Citizens’ Jury takes place at Forest Hills Golf Club, Mile End Road, Coleford GL16 7QD, between 1pm and 5pm on Monday, and from 9.30am to 5pm the following four days. Members of the public are very welcome to watch the event.

Please read the guidance from Citizens Juries Community Interest Company (CIC), the independent company appointed to run the Citizens’ Jury, below.


Guidance for public observers

Members of the public are very welcome to observe the Citizens’ Jury proceedings. However, there may be periods when it is important for the jury to deliberate in private, and if so, CIC staff will ask public observers to temporarily step outside, or into another room.

The audience will be limited in size to those who can comfortably be seated in the room.

Public observers should:

  • Not speak to the members of the jury in, or outside, the Citizens’ Jury room throughout the duration of the event.
  • Stay quiet at all times and not distract members of the jury, or disrupt or influence the jury process.
  • When entering or leaving the Citizens’ Jury room, do so during breaks wherever possible – but if not, as quietly as possible.
  • Turn phones and electronic devices off, or switch to silent mode. Do not film, record or photograph the jury proceedings or members of the jury.
  • Direct any questions to CIC staff, and only when outside the Citizens’ Jury room and act respectfully to others in the Citizens’ Jury room.

Public observers who do not follow the rules above may be asked to leave.

If members of the press wish to interview, film, photograph or record any member of the jury or the jury proceedings, they must arrange this in advance with Malcolm Oswald, Director of Citizens Juries CIC, who will be able to advise which members of the jury have given permission to be filmed, photographed etc.


Citizens’ Jury Schedule

Monday 30 July, PM

  • Welcome, introduction and simulation exercise Context: Community hospitals in the Forest of Dean and jury role.
    Speaker: Candace Plouffe, Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust

  • How the jury will make a decision

Tuesday 31 July, AM

  • The case for Lydney
    Speakers: John Thurston, Friends of Lydney Hospital; Brian Pearman, Lydney Town Council; and others

  • The case for Coleford
    Speakers: Nick Penny and Marilyn Cox, Coleford Town Council

  • The case for Cinderford
    Speaker: Chris Witham, Cinderford Town Council

Tuesday 31 July, PM

  • Population data: Who are the patients?
    Speaker: Becky MacLean, Gloucestershire County Council

  • Forest of Dean Community Hospital Services: Now and Future
    Speaker: Julie Goodenough, Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust

Wednesday 1 August, AM

Travel analysis

  • Driving and public transport to and from the three towns
  • Other hospitals providing similar services to the new hospital
    Speaker: Malcolm Oswald, Citizens Juries CIC

Travel analysis

  • Community transport and other non-emergency transport services in the Forest of Dean
    Speaker: Anna-Marie Daniels, Forest Routes

Wednesday 1 August, PM

  • Travel analysis: Why travel times matter
    Panel: Stephanie Bonser, SW Ambulance Service NHS Trust; Lorraine Millwater, Lydney Dial-a-Ride; Paul Weiss, GP

  • How will the choice of town affect local communities (e.g. planning, economic regeneration, traffic etc.)?
    Speakers Nigel Gibbons, Forest of Dean District Council and Neil Troughton, Gloucestershire County Council

  • How does the choice of town affect the NHS?
    Speaker Paul Weiss, GP

Thursday 2 August , AM

  • What were the results of the recent public engagement (of public and staff) on the choice of location?
    Speakers Katie Parker, Gloucestershire Care Services NHS Trust and Caroline Smith, NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group

Thursday 2 August, PM

  • Does the Equality Act have an impact on the choice of town?
    Speaker Hari Sewell, HS Consultancy

  • Brief closing remarks from the three towns
    Representatives from the three towns

  • Assessing the three locations


Friday 3 August, AM

  • Recommending a location for the hospital

Friday 3 August, PM

  • Ranking criteria for choosing a site


Participants will be using microphones during the plenary sessions so that observers can hear. Group work will not be audible but may be observed.

There will be mid-morning and mid-afternoon tea/coffee breaks and a 45-minite lunch break, starting around 12.15pm.

National HIV Testing Week 2025

National HIV Testing Week 2025

Today marks the start of National HIV Testing Week (10-16 February). Every year this annual campaign, run by HIV Prevention England, aims to raise awareness about the importance of regular testing, to help reduce the number of people living with undiagnosed HIV and those diagnosed late.

Community blood pressure and health checks

Community blood pressure and health checks

Our Community Outreach Vaccination and Health team, together with our One Gloucestershire health and care partners, are supporting the Blood Pressure UK campaign, ‘Know Your Numbers’, all year round, in a bid to reduce heart attacks and stroke.
