Community Mental Health Transformation in Gloucestershire

The NHS Long Term Plan and NHS Mental Health Implementation Plan 2019/20 – 2023/24 set out that the NHS will develop new and integrated models of primary and community mental health care.

There has been a national £2.3 billion investment programme, aimed at enabling at least 370,000 adults and older adults per year with serious mental illness nationally to have greater choice and control over their care, and to live well in their communities.

In Gloucestershire, we are developing new community models built around localities and Primary Care Networks.

The approach includes:

  • A focus on inequalities and the challenges faced by people with mental illness in many aspects of their life.
  • Personalising care and breaking down barriers to accessing support and services.
  • A focus on physical health checks, housing and employment.
  • There will be a single ‘right door’ to access support. Wherever anyone seeks mental health support there will be an easy process to get it.
  • The introduction of an alternative assessment/care management framework (replacement of the Care Programme Approach).
  • The introduction of a 4 week waiting time target and increased activity targets.
  • A specific focus on specialist areas within new models – Eating Disorders, Personality Disorders, Rehabilitation pathways.

Importantly, the project goes beyond the NHS and local authorities, and involves a wide range of partners including the Voluntary and Community Sector. It is also heavily focussed on co-production with Experts by Experience – both people who have used services and their carers – involved throughout.

The project is being led by Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust on behalf of One Gloucestershire.

Watch this video to find out more about the national programme:

You can also view some slides shared at one of our community engagement events, which explains more about our local approach, here: CMHT Forest update January 2023

What does it mean for me? 

The programme is about improving the support provided to people with Serious Mental illness. This means you will have better access to physical health checks, more support with housing and employment and a different assessment process. But we are still in the early stages and we want to get your views on how we can improve things for you.

What has happened so far? 

So far, we have introduced a new service called the Complex Emotional Needs service for people with personality disorders and related conditions in Gloucestershire. We have also employed additional mental health staff to work in GP surgeries, giving quicker access to support for those who need it. We have also begun work on reducing waiting time for eating disorders treatment.

What are the next steps? 

There is still a lot more to do but we are committed to co-producing the programme with people who use services, and people who care for people who do. We will update this page with more information when we can.

How do I get involved? 

We are holding engagement events and one took place in the Forest of Dean on 31 January 2023. More will follow.  In the meantime, if you have any thoughts please email



National HIV Testing Week 2025

National HIV Testing Week 2025

Today marks the start of National HIV Testing Week (10-16 February). Every year this annual campaign, run by HIV Prevention England, aims to raise awareness about the importance of regular testing, to help reduce the number of people living with undiagnosed HIV and those diagnosed late.

Community blood pressure and health checks

Community blood pressure and health checks

Our Community Outreach Vaccination and Health team, together with our One Gloucestershire health and care partners, are supporting the Blood Pressure UK campaign, ‘Know Your Numbers’, all year round, in a bid to reduce heart attacks and stroke.
