Cirencester Hospital

Cirencester Hospital offers inpatient and outpatient services, a Minor Injuries Unit and x-ray and ultrasound services, occupational therapy and physiotherapy.
Our department offers a friendly and experienced nursing and administration team which runs and supports clinics each day for the local community. The frequency of individual clinics will vary depending on demand.
Diagnostic facilities
The X-ray department is hosted at Cirencester and staffed by dedicated radiographers from Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Find out more about their Radiology service here.
The department supports the Minor Injuries and Illness Unit (MIIU), the wards and outpatients clinics as required, as well as undertaking x-ray referrals from GPs.
To make an x-ray appointment for Cirencester, please contact the department on: 0300 421 6360 or the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust x-ray appointment line on: 0300 422 4488
Obstetric, general and gynaecological ultrasound examinations are also undertaken within the department, however these cannot be booked directly by patients.
The department is open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, and 10am to 4pm on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays (except Christmas Day).
Phlebotomy Services
We provide blood tests at Cirencester Hospital for patients aged 16 and over whose consultant requests one. Book your appointment by telephoning: 0300 421 6215, Monday – Friday between 9am and 3pm.
GP surgery blood tests
In the South Cotswolds, as elsewhere in the county, GP surgeries are now providing blood testing services for patients when the surgery requires this. For many patients, having the test carried out at their GP surgery is more convenient and there is more certainty around appointments. GP surgeries are receiving additional funds to do this and surgery staff have received additional training. At present, safety and social distancing requirements associated with COVID-19 may mean that it takes longer than usual to get an appointment.
Therapists at the hospital
There are occupational therapy and physiotherapy teams based at the hospital, working with inpatients and outpatients.
Visitor information
Parking on-site at the hospital is free, but limited.
Please be aware that the pay and display car park adjacent to the hospital is not managed by our hospital/ Trust – this is managed by Parking Eye Ltd and details regarding parking costs are displayed on their signage in their car park.
Visiting times for inpatients
Visiting times are 11.30am to 8pm
If you need to visit at a different time, please speak to the ward manager prior to your visit and they will help make suitable arrangements.
Useful telephone numbers
Outpatients: 0300 421 6215
Physiotherapy and Podiatry Outpatients: 0300 421 6270
Minor Injuries and Illness Unit: 0300 421 6351
Coln Ward: 0300 421 6290
Windrush Ward: 0300 421 6298
Thames Ward: 0300 421 6363
X-Ray: 0300 421 6360
Endoscopy: 0300 421 6294
League of Friends
Cirencester Hospital has an active League of Friends which raises funds to benefit patient care and support staff. They provide the little things as well as ‘state of the art’ equipment.
Find out more: Cirencester Hospital League of Friends – JustGiving
Or to contact the team direct, call the General Office on: 0300 421 6204 or email: info@chlof.org.uk
Reg. Charity No. 800417
Information for inpatients
We aim to make each person’s stay with us as comfortable as possible. If you have any questions or concerns during your stay or visit please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the ward team.
Meal times
The catering department provides choices for patients with specific dietary, religious and ethnic needs. If you have special dietary requirements please let the nursing staff know when you are admitted.
We have protected mealtimes, and operate a strict no visiting policy during these times. However, if you would like to assist your family member or friend with eating, please discuss this with the nurse in charge.
Meal times are:
Breakfast 7.30am
Lunch 12.00pm
Supper 5.45pm
Drinks and biscuits are brought round morning and afternoon and hot drinks and snacks are provided in the evening, after supper.
Water is available at all times and will be brought to you.
Additional information
Patients who are rehabilitating will be encouraged to get dressed so we would advise you to bring clothes that can be put on easily, such as track-suit or jogging bottoms or skirts with elasticated waistbands.
Storage space for personal property is limited, so it is helpful if this is kept to a minimum. We are unable to wash patients clothing and will leave this for relatives to take home. Anything that is soiled will be clearly labelled.
We know that family and friends may want to bring in treats for patients. We do not have space to store patients’ own food in our refrigerator, so please speak to a member of staff before bringing items which need chilling.
Religious and spiritual needs
Please talk to the ward staff about any religious or spiritual requirements. You may also wish to inform your own religious or spiritual leader that you are coming into hospital.
Give us your views
To provide feedback about Cirencester Hospital, contact our Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust Experience team: Give us your views > Glos Health & Care NHS Foundation Trust (ghc.nhs.uk)
To provide feedback on x-ray and ultrasound services, contact the Gloucestershire Hospitals Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS), visit: www.gloshospitals.nhs.uk/contact-us/patient-advice-and-support