
Berkeley House


Berkeley Close

Cashes Green




0300 421 5327

Visiting our hospitals - important information

The restrictions brought in as a result of the Covid pandemic are no longer in place. However, we are still asking all visitors to follow sensible infection prevention and control guidance, including hand washing and use of hand gel. Visitors are already no longer required to carry out lateral flow tests before visiting, however we would ask that anyone with Covid or with symptoms of any respiratory or gastro intestinal illness does not visit, to prevent infecting vulnerable patients and our staff. Face masks are not generally required, however please follow the advice from staff and wear a face mask if you feel more comfortable doing so.

Pre-booking of visits is not required, but please check the arrangements for the ward or unit you are planning to visit before attending, just in case there are particular circumstances to be aware of. Generally, we welcome visitors between 11am and 8pm and, in line with 'John's Campaign', we support the rights of people with dementia to be assisted by their family carers.

Berkeley House
Visitor information

Limited parking is available.

Opening hours

Reception is open Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm. The unit is staffed 24 hours a day.

